
INNOMED-UP fifth Newsletter is out

As our INNOMED-UP Project is entering its final phase of implementation, we are pleased to present you our 5️⃣th Newsletter ????. During the previous year the partnership made significant efforts to deal with the aftermath of the pandemic of Covid-19 ????. This was topped up with the announcement of 86 sub-grants in total, which were awarded to small-medium enterprises of the cultural and creative sector (CCI SMEs) for the production of innovative products (39 sub-grants), for acquiring technical equipment (26 sub-grants) and for collaborative/mentorship schemes with third institutions (21 sub-grants), in order to integrate high-tech, innovative Circular Economy principles. The sub-grants were distributed in selected CCI SMEs in all participating countries.
Enjoy our newsletter and stay tuned!

INNOMED-UP proposes to work with CCIs to shift local urban economies towards a circular production and consumption paradigm