
Birzeit University

Birzeit University | جامعة بيرزيت in # Palestine is working to develop track & Tools to gather and delivering Raw Materials to CCI SMEs to Produce Upcycling Products in Hebron and Nablus Cities
To produce Upcycling products by CCI SMEs in Hebron and Nablus, gathering raw materials becomes an urgent Demand.
To provide the CCI SMEs the necessary materials, a smart bins will be produced and placed at local businesses, based on raw materials types required from the SMEs to be Upcycled, and the raw materials will be transported by smart bicycles to a specific station, acceptably from all SMEs in each city.
Then the SMEs pick up the raw materials from the station when they want and the quantity needed to produce their own upcycled products.
The INNOMED-UP is funded by the #EU under ENI CBC Med Programme to the support of the EU/Programme

INNOMED-UP proposes to work with CCIs to shift local urban economies towards a circular production and consumption paradigm